Wooden Rattles by Earnest Efforts Review/Giveaway
**This giveaway is CLOSED!**
You asked for reviews on natural toys and I heard you!
I love browsing on Etsy to find new, fun, natural stuff. One day when browsing I came across the funnest little baby rattle. I love rattles, and what baby doesn't like them?
BUT . . . these ones are wood. I must admit I was a bit apprehensive about slivers and such as I have done a bit of woodworking. How would they get the wood smooth enough for a baby to chew on it?
Well, I did some researched and asked some questions, and I now know!
Do you want to know?
Earnest Efforts is a Mama and Pappa company. They love to make these fun and unique rattles and the other items they make.
They hand sand all of their rattles to get rid of the splinters, and then they finish with Clapham's all-natural bees wax. They don't use any stains, so no chemicals!
I wasn't totally convinced until I got these in the mail.
They are AMAZING!!!! They are so smooth and the rattle is perfect. Any baby would love this natural toy. I don't have a baby any more, but I do have a cute little niece that lives just over the mountain. Meet Illyana! A cutie huh?

Needless to say she is loving her new toy! There are a few of those toys that are essential to go in the diaper bag when tripping around... this amazing rattle makes it on that list!
In fact I enjoy playing with the one I have to give to one of you lucky folks!
I guess that is why they make some that are for adults . . . really they do!
They call these Spirit Shakers. They are a palm rattle for relaxation. They also make amazing and beautiful wood boxes. These they craft from rescued wood, and they use the natural cuts they find to sculpt these masterpieces!
If you want to make a purchase for your little one or a gift for another. You can purchase direct from Earnest Effort on their Etsy shop or you can find a retailer on their Locate a Store page.
You have the opportunity to win one of Earnest Efforts natural baby rattle.
The giveaway item is the dark colored rattle pictured here, I believe it is a walnut wood.

***Remember to leave a separate comment for each additional entry and include your email address in your comments!***
See my giveaway instructions here for more information.
2 entries: share Earnest Efforts on etsy with 5 friends ('share' can be found on left hand side under 'Actions')
2 entries: What other item that I did not mention does Earnest Efforts make?
3 entries: grab Earnest Efforts shop button -give me a link to where you put it
3 entries: grab Earnest Efforts blog button -give me a link to where you put it
3 entries: post about this giveaway on a forum. -let me know what forum
5 entries: blog about this giveaway include links to 6 and STILL Sane and Earnest Efforts shop. -give me a link to your blog.
1 entry per tweet: tweet about this giveaway. This can be done 2 times a day at least 4 hrs apart. Include @6andStillSane, #giveaways and #naturaltoy. -leave the URL for your tweet.
1 entry: follow @6andStillSane on twitter -counts for past followers
1 entry: fan 6 and STILL Sane on FB -counts for past fans
1 entry: subscribe to my blog by email -counts for past subscriptions
10 entries: make a purchase from Earnest Efforts
This Giveaway is Closed!
Thanks for entering !
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